Fishies growing !!

I still remember when our fishes were super tiny. It brings me great joy seeing them grow. I can’t wait to get them an even bigger tank (I want to go up to a good 80 Gal tank), and watch them grow even more.

Taking care of fish isn’t really all that simple as some may think.

They’re always wanting to eat but I need to make sure to not over feed them. Overfeeding can cause issues in their water, can make them sick, and cause a variety of issues (sounds like humans too when we overeat).

We also need to ensure we do regular water changes, but also not changing the entire water. We need to keep some so the good nutrients stay in the water with them and they don’t feel that much of a shock from a water change.

Before, I remember fishies would get stressed during a water change but now that they’re older, they don’t seem to mind so much. They’re very chill and relaxed.

Once we get a larger tank, I definitely want to get them some new toys and objects to interact with.


UCLA John Wooden Dinner


BMW Driving School in South Carolina!